Sunday, October 26, 2008

Morning wake up.. laichuang for while till 12plus.. haa.. as usual.. bath then headed out.. went dear's hus to wake him up.. tis piggy yday go kulai riding again.. reach hm ard 3plus.. so let him slp a little bit longer.. haa.. gif him a light kiss on his cheeks while he slping.. guess he also can't feel it.. hee.. nvm..

opps.. disturb him till he's awake le.. haa.. then he hug me slp tog.. so nice the feelin.. hee.. nua on bed till 4plus.. wake up i go bath first.. then ask him go bath after i'm done.. headed to bike shop for awhile.. cus dear wanted to find "A-Tat" to ask n chit-chatting.. haa.. thn i surf net over there lo.. hee..

evenIng time.. meet up with ann at amk for dinner.. din call ray tis time.. cus given hope up on him.. haa.. dear order for me my fav chicken chop.. yummy.. n also 2 bbq chicken wing for me.. n my fav ice-lemon tea fr the S-11 coffee shop.. haa.. after that we 3 went k-box.. sing siNg SinG... long time nv sinG liAO.. so fUn.. start fr 10plus sing till 3am.. omg.. so sleepy.. hee.. after that hoME sweeT hOme...

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